姓名:王震宇 电话:0532-66782092 电子信箱: wang0628@ouc.edu.cn 个人基本情况 2006年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才计划” 重要履历 2004.11至今中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院任教,教授,博士生导师 2003.12~2004.11 美国密苏里州林肯大学(LU)博士后 2002.1~2003.11 美国爱荷华州立大学(ISU)博士后 1998.11~2001.10德国慕尼黑科技大学(TMU)攻读博士学位 1998.5~1998.9 德国汉诺威大学高级访问学者 1994.7 晋升为讲师 1993.7~1998.10 中国农业大学任教 1990.7~1993.7 南京农业大学农学系攻读硕士学位 1986.9~1990.7 宁夏农学院农学系学习 学术兼职 《Environmental Pollution》编委;中国自然资源学会资源持续利用与减灾专业委员会专业委员;中国海洋发展研究中心研究员;青岛市留学人员协会理事;青岛市环境保护协会理事。 主持的主要科研项目 1.国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金污染物的环境地球化学研究(41325013,2014-2017) 2.国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目水体中人工纳米颗粒与有机污染物的交互作用及对水生植物和藻类的致毒机制(41120134004,2012-2016) 3.国家自然科学基金面上项目人工纳米颗粒在水体中的环境行为及对水生植物的致毒机制(41073067,2011-2013) 4.山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金人工CuO纳米颗粒在水体中的环境行为及对水生植物致毒机制(BS2010HZ023,2011-2013) 5.国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目黄河三角洲生态系统综合整治技术与模式(2006BAC01A13,2008-2010) 6.教育部科学技术重大项目中国北方新兴城镇污水处理与回用技术研究(308016,2008-2010) 7.国家自然科学基金面上项目湖泊湿地磷素污染根际调控机理的研究(30570340,2006-2008) 教学课程 《基础生态学》,本科生必修课 《生物修复的理论与方法》,硕士研究生专业必修课 《根际生态学》,硕士研究生专业选修课 《现代环境生物技术》,博士研究生专业选修课 已授权国家发明专利 1.王震宇,李锋民,安蓁长石莼抑制赤潮藻的方法和应用(200610044589.0) 2.李锋民,王震宇,安蓁缘管浒苔抑制赤潮藻的方法和应用(200610044586.7) 3.王震宇,李锋民,安蓁中肋骨条藻的抑制剂的制备方法(200610044588.6) 4.李锋民,王震宇,安蓁抑制赤潮藻的浒苔提取液的制备方法及应用(200610044587.1) 5.高冬梅,王震宇,许颖,李锋民高浓度石油污染土壤的生物修复装置和方法(200810014714.2) 6.高冬梅,王震宇,赵建,李锋民纳米材料抑制酶的活性的测定方法(200810138404.1) 7.王震宇,田志佳,李锋民,别聪聪一种短裸甲藻抑制剂的制备方法(200910013836.4) 8.郑浩,李锋民,王震宇一种芦竹快速繁殖方法(200910013835.X) 发表的主要文章(2008-) 1.Wang, Z., Xu, Z., Zhao, J., Pan, B., Song, X., Xing, B. 2014. Effect of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids on Soil Micropores and Implication for Organic Contaminant Availability. Communications in soil science and plant analysis.(DOI:10.1080/00103624.2013.867062) 2.Zhao J., Wang Z.*, Zhao Q., Xing B. 2014. Adsorption of phenanthrene on multi-layer graphene as affected by surfactant and exfoliation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 331–339. 3.Zhao, J., Wang, Z.*, Saikat Ghosh and Xing, B. 2014. Phenanthrene binding by humic acideprotein complexes as studied by passive dosing technique. Environmental Pollution. 184: 145-153 4.Zhao, J., Wang, Z.*, Dai, Y. and Xing, B. 2013. Mitigation of CuO nanoparticle - induced bacterial membrane damage by dissolved organic matter. Water Research. 47: 4169-4178 5.Zheng, H., Wang, Z.*, Deng, X., Zhao, J., Luo, Y., Novak. J., Herbert, S. and Xing, B. 2013. Characteristics and Nutrient Values of Biochars Produced from Giant Reed at Different Temperatures. Bioresource Technology. 130: 463–471 6.Wang, Z.*, Zheng, H., Luo, Y., Deng, X., Herbert, S. and Xing, B. 2013. Characterization and Influence of Biochars on Nitrous Oxide Emission from Agricultural Soil. Environmental Pollution. 174: 289-296 7.姜志翔,郑浩,李锋民,王震宇*,2013. 生物炭技术缓解我国温室效应潜力初步评。环境科学,34(6): 2486-2492 8.姜志翔,郑浩,李锋民,王震宇*,2013. 生物炭碳封存技术研究进展。环境科学,34(8): 3327-3333 9.Wang, Z., Xie, X., Zhao, J., Liu, X., Feng, W., White, J. and Xing, B. 2012. Xylem- and Phloem-Based Transport of CuO Nanoparticles in Maize (Zea mays L.). Environmental Science & Technology. 46: 4434-4441 10.Zhao, J., Wang, Z.*, Mashayekhi, H., Mayer, P., Chefetz, B., Xing, B. 2012. Pulmonary surfactant suppressed phenanthrene adsorption on carbon nanotubes through solubilization and competition as examined by a passive dosing technique. Environmental Science & Technology. 46: 5369-5377 11.Wang, Z.*, Li, N., Zhao, White, J., Qu, P. and Xing, B. 2012. CuO Nanoparticle Interaction with Human Epithelial Cells: Cellular Uptake, Location, Export, and Genotoxicity. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 25: 1512-1521 12.Maqbool, F., Wang, Z.*, Xu, Y., Zhao, J., Gao, D., Zhao, Y., Bhatti, Z. and Xing, B. 2012. Rhizodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by Sesbaniacannabina in bioaugmented soil with free and immobilized consortium. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 237-238: 262-269 13.Wang, Z.*, Xu, Y., Wang, H., Zhao, J., Gao, D., Li, F. and Xing, B. 2012. Biodegradation of Crude Oil in Contaminated Soils by Free and Immobilized Microorganisms. Pedosphere. 22(5): 717-725 14.Maqbool, F., Xu, Y., Gao, D., Bhatti, Z. and Wang, Z.* 2012. Soil Texture Effects on Rhizodegradation of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology. 9(2): 73-79 15.Pan, B., Huang, P., Wu, M., Wang, Z.*, Wang, P., Jiao, X. and Xing, B. 2012. Physicochemical and sorption properties of thermally-treated sediments with high organic matter content. Bioresource Technology 103: 367-373 16.赵艳,李锋民,王昊云,李杨,王震宇,2012. 不同结构好氧/厌氧潜流人工湿地微生物群落代谢特性。环境科学学报,32(2): 299-307 17.李锋民,赵薇,李媛媛,田志佳,王震宇,2012. 纳米TiO2对短裸甲藻的毒性效应。环境科学,33(1): 233-238 18.別聪聪,李锋民,王一斐,王昊云,赵雅涵,赵薇,王震宇,2012. 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯对短裸甲藻的抑制机制研究。环境科学,33(1): 229-232 19.別聪聪,李锋民,李媛媛,王震宇,2012.. 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯对短裸甲藻活性氧自由基的影响。环境科学,33(2): 442-447 20.李锋民,单时,李媛媛,李杨,王震宇,2012. 好氧/厌氧潜流湿地结构工艺优化。环境科学,33(2): 436-441 21.Wang, Z., Li, J., Zhao, J., and Xing, B. 2011. Toxicity and internalization of Cuo nanoparticles to prokaryotic alga microcystis aeruginosa as affected by dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology. 45: 6032-6040 22.Wang, Z.*, Zhao, J., Song, L., Mashayekhi, H., Chefetz, B. and Xing, B. 2011. Adsorption and desorption of phenanthrene on carbon nanotubes in simulated gastrointestinal fluids. Environmental Science & Technology 45: 6018–6024 23.Zhao, J., Wang, Z.*, Liu, X., Xie, X., Zhang, K. and Xing, B. 2011. Distribution of CuO nanoparticles in juvenile carp (Cyprinus Carpio) and their potential toxicity. Journal of Hazardous Materials 197: 304-310 24.Wang, Z.*, Xu, Y., Zhao, J., Li, F., Gao, D. and Xing, B. 2011. Remediation of petroleum contaminated soils through composting and rhizosphere Degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 190: 677–685 25.李锋民,单时,胡忻雨,李扬,张明全,王震宇,2011,水生植物热解生物油对中肋骨条藻的抑制作用。环境科学学报,31(9):1942-1948 26.李锋民,单时,王昊云,宋妮,王震宇*,2011 好氧/厌氧串联潜流人工湿地脱氮效果。环境科学,32(1):151-157 27.胡文稳,王震宇,刘居东,许颖,李锋民,Baoshan Xing,高冬梅,2011,黄河三角洲原油污染土壤的微生物固定化修复技术。环境科学与技术,34(3):116- 120 28.别聪聪,李锋民,李媛媛,赵雅菡,王震宇,2011,六种大型藻浸提液对中肋骨条藻的抑制及活性成分分析。中国海洋大学学报,41( 7/ 8) : 107-12 29.Wang, Z., Yu, X., Pan, B., and Xing, B. 2010. Norfloxacin sorption and its thermodynamics on surface-modified carbon nanotubes. Environmental Science & Technology 44 (3): 978–984 30.Wang, Z.*, Zhang, K., Zhao,J. and Xing, B. 2010. Adsorption and inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase by different engineered nanoparticles. Chemosphere 79 (1): 86-92 31.Wang, Z.*, Xin, Y., Gao, D., Li,F., Morgan,J. and Xing,B., 2010. Microbial community characteristics in a degraded wetland of the yellow river delta. Pedosphere. 20(4): 466-478 32.Bai, Y., Lin, D., Wu, F., Wang, Z. and Xing, B. 2010. Adsorption of Triton X-series surfactants and its role in stabilizing 3 multi-walled carbon nanotube suspensions. Chemosphere 79(4): 362-367 33.Li, A., Sandra, A., Tian, Z., Li, J., Yu, R. and Wang, Z., 2010. Axenic cultures of cyanobacteria isolated from freshwater in China can be grown without BMAA. Toxicon, 55: 947-953 34.王震宇,温胜芳,李锋民,2010, 南四湖湿地6种水生植物的磷素根际效应。中国环境科学,30(S1):64-68 35.王震宇,赵建,李娜,李锋民, Baoshan Xing,2010, 人工纳米颗粒对水生生物的毒性效应及其机制研究进展。环境科学,31(6):1409-1418 36.王震宇,刘利华,温胜芳,彭昌盛,邢宝山,李锋民,2010, 2种湿地植物根表铁氧化物胶膜的形成及其对磷素吸收的影响。环境科学,31(3): 781-786 37.王震宇,于晓莉,高冬梅,封文强,邢宝山,李锋民. 2010. 人工合成纳米TiO2和MWCNTs对玉米生长及其抗氧化系统的影响。环境科学,31(2): 480-487 38.王震宇,温胜芳,李爱峰,2010,根际土壤溶液中磷的毛细管电泳分析方法。化学分析,38(1): 87-90 39.王震宇,赵芳芳,李锋民,王昊云,高冬梅,罗先香,2010,黄河三角洲湿地三种盐生植物氮和磷根际效应的比较研究。环境科学与技术,33(10): 33-38 40.李锋民,宋妮,单时,王震宇*,2010,好氧/厌氧串联潜流人工湿地对COD的去除效果。环境科学与技术,33(6E):8-11(25) 41.王震宇,许颖,高冬梅,Baoshan Xing,李锋民,2010,堆制技术对土壤中石油烃的降解研究。环境科学与技术,33(9):1-5,43 42.Wang, Z.*, Zhao, J. and Xing, B. 2009. Adsorption and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by different nanoparticles. Chemosphere 77(1):67-73 43.Hao, L., Wang, Z.*, and Xing, B., 2009. Effects of sub-acute exposure to tio2 nanoparticles on oxidative stress and histopathological changes in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus Carpio). Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21: 1459–1466 44.Ghosh, S., Wang, Z., Kang, S., Bhowmiki, P. and Xing, B. 2009. Sorption and fractionation of a peat derived humic acid by Kaolinite, Montmorillonite, and Goethite. Pedosphere 19(1):21-30 45.王震宇,辛远征,李锋民,高冬梅,2009, 黄河三角洲退化湿地微生物特性的研究。中国海洋大学学报,39(5):1005-1012 46.王震宇,温胜芳,邢宝山,李锋民,2009,2种水生植物根际溶液磷素变异及有机酸分泌。环境科学,30(8): 2248-2252 47.王震宇,赵建,邢宝山,2009. 盐渍化土壤中土著菌的石油烃降解潜力研究。农业环境科学学报,28(7):1416-1421 48.王震宇,于晓冬,邢宝山,2009. 土壤微孔对有机物吸附/解吸的影响及其表征。生态学报,29(4):2087-2096 49.罗先香,闫琴,于晓莉,王震宇,2009. 河口湿地氮素生物地球化学循环研究。环境科学与技术,32(12D): 181-187 50.林道辉,冀静,田小利,刘妮,杨坤,吴丰昌,王震宇, Xing Baoshan,2009. 纳米材料的环境行为与生物毒性。科学通报,54 (23): 3590-3604 51.张男男,王震宇,李锋民,胡洪营,Baoshan Xing,2009,水生植物提取液对噬菌体的化感作用。中国给水排水,25(13):31-34 52.Wang, Z., Gao, D., Li, F., Zhao, J., Xin, Y., Simkins, S. and Xing, B. 2008. Petroleum hydrocarbon degradation potential of soil bacteria. Pedosphere 18(6):707-716 53.An, Z., Wang, Z., Li, F., Tian, Z. and Hu, H. 2008. Allelopathic inhibition on red tide microalgae Skeletonema costatum by five macroalgal extracts. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2(3): 297-305 54.Wang, Z., Tian, Z., Gao, D., Li, F. and Xing, B. 2008. Effects of five nanomaterials on gymnodinium Breve. 235rd American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting,Symposia Papers for the Division of Environmental Chemistry, New Orleans, LA, April 6-10, 2008 55.Wang, Z., Tian,Z., and Li, F. 2008. Allelopathic effects of large seaweeds on red tide dinoflagellate Gymnodinium breve. Allelopathy Journal, 2008, 22(1): 181-188 56.王震宇,温胜芳,邢宝山,高冬梅,李锋民,胡洪营,Sakoda Akiyoshi,Sagehashi Masaki. 2008, 四种水生植物磷素的根际耗竭的比较研究。环境科学,29(9): 2476-2480 |
发布人:李辉 发布时间:2015-08-27 动态浏览次数:1351